Grab your felt, my favourite is 100% wool.
You'll also need embroidery thread, I've used 3 strands.
A little bit of your choice of stuffing.
Rare earth magnets, these little suckers are stupid strong.
Some glue, I've used E6000, you don't need much.
- Download the template file and print it out at 100%. The template has 2 of each template on it, but you'll only need one, I just didn't want to waste paper, so give a 2nd copy to a friend.
- Choose which magnets you want to do and trace these shapes onto your felt, you'll need 2 felt shapes per magnet.
- Get one one of your magnets and glue one to one of your felt pairs. This helps keep the magnet in place.
- Once the glue has dried grab the other piece of felt and start your blanket stitch around the edge.
- Leave a small gap and put your stuffing into your felt shape, then finish your blanket stitch edge. There, you're done!
- If you're doing the flower magnets embroider the pattern onto one of the felt pieces before you blanket stitch the 2 shapes together.
For those interested the photos below are Sondra and I, I'm on the left 1973 in Araluen Park I think and Son was the same age, her nonna had put curlers in her hair, CUTENESS!
cik ella, kat mana ek nak beli magnet tu? puas cari tak jumpa.. :-(